Sunday, November 9, 2014


The FDNY Urges All New Yorkers to Have Working Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors After Three Near-Fatal Incidents

After three separate carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning incidents in one week, which hospitalized six people, the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) urges all New Yorkers to ensure they have working CO detectors in their homes and businesses.

FDNY members responded to an incident on Nov. 3 in the Bronx, which registered CO readings as high as 400 ppm; Nov. 4 in Queens, which had readings of 400 ppm; and Nov. 6 in Brooklyn, where there were readings as high as 500 ppm. A CO reading of 9 ppm is considered a health and safety concern by the FDNY.

FDNY EMS Lt. Jonathan Negron from the HazTac Battalion responded to the call in Queens. He said when EMS members arrived at the single-family home, their CO alarms immediately activated. They helped evacuate three elderly women from the residence, including one who was 100-years-old and bed-confined.
All three victims complained of dizziness, nausea, fatigue and headaches. They were transported to New York-Presbyterian, Weill Cornell Medical Center for their hyperbaric chamber. One or two more hours in the residence, Lt. Negron said, would have proved fatal.

This incident, as well as the one on the Bronx, was caused by faulty appliances, while the incident in Brooklyn was caused by burning wires in the street.
“Having [members] carry CO meters is an investment by the FDNY that is saving lives,” Lt. Negron said. He stressed that all New Yorkers should have working CO detectors in their homes, “it’s an easy, inexpensive investment that can keep you and your family safe.”

CO is known as the ‘silent killer’ because it is undetectable by human senses. If a smoke or carbon monoxide detector is activated, evacuate your home immediately and call 911.   

The FDNY urges that all heating equipment, including boilers and hot water heaters, are regularly inspected and maintained by licensed professionals. To report problems with heat or boilers, which could potentially lead to a carbon monoxide incident, New Yorkers should call 311.

“This is the season for CO emergencies,” Lt. Negron said. “It wouldn’t have taken long for these incidents to be fatal.”

Learn more about Carbon Monoxide | FDNY Smart and how to keep your home safe.


Nicknamed “The Silent Killer”, Carbon Monoxide is Totally Undetectable by Human Senses
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and toxic gas. Nicknamed “the silent killer”, carbon monoxide is totally undetectable by human senses. Hundreds of people are killed in their home each year by accidental carbon monoxide poisoning and thousands are permanently injured.
Since carbon monoxide is a by-product of incomplete combustion, any fuel-burning appliance, vehicle or tool that is inadequately vented or maintained can be a potential source of carbon monoxide gas.

Examples of fuel- burning equipment include:

  • Fuel fired furnaces
  • Gas fueled space heaters*
  • Gas ranges and ovens
  • Gas clothes dryers
  • Charcoal grills
  • Gas water heaters
  • Wood burning fireplaces and stoves
  • Gas fireplaces, both vented and ventless
  • Gas lawnmowers and power tools
  • Automobiles

Why is Carbon Monoxide dangerous?
If there is carbon monoxide in the air you breathe, it will enter your blood system the same way oxygen does, through your lungs. The carbon monoxide displaces the oxygen in your blood, depriving your body of oxygen. When the carbon monoxide displaces enough oxygen, you suffocate.

What are the Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?
Long-term exposure to low concentrations of carbon monoxide can gradually build up in the blood causing flu-like symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, nausea and drowsiness.

Since the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are so common, and often misdiagnosed, carbon monoxide poisoning should be suspected if more than one member of the family feels ill and if they recover after being away from the home for a period of time. Also, illness in your pets preceding illness in a family member may suggest carbon monoxide poisoning.

Exposure to high concentrations of carbon monoxide will cause throbbing headaches, breathing difficulties, confusion and loss of consciousness, cardiac problems and/or death.

The first line of defense is prevention!
Have your home-heating systems, fuel-burning appliances, flues and chimneys inspected, cleaned and tuned up annually by a qualified technician.

Make regular visual inspections of fuel-burning appliances such as your gas dryer and hot water heater.
Do not burn charcoal inside a home, cabin or camper.

Do not operate gasoline-powered engines (generators, cutting saws) in confined areas such as garages or basements.

Do not idle your car inside the garage.

During and after a snowstorm, make sure vents for the gas dryer, furnace, stove and fireplace are clear of snow build-up.

Never use gas ovens and ranges to heat your home!

The second line of defense is a Carbon Monoxide detector alarm!