Friday, October 26, 2018

Two 12000 gallon tanks are leaning and could potentially tip over releasing 24000 gallons of home heating oil into the Kealavik (aka Newtok) River in Newtok, Alaska

Newtok Tank Farm

Newtok, AK | 2018-Oct-24

Initial Notification: 
On 6-Oct-2018, the Newtok, Alaska, Tank Farm reported a home heating oil leak into secondary containment. 
A follow-up site inspection of the site by USCG revealed that two 12000 gallon tanks are leaning and could potentially tip over releasing 24000 gallons of home heating oil into the Kealavik (aka Newtok) River. 
The USCG has requested a summary of the resources at risk to a fuel spill at this site.