Monday, September 3, 2018

One product tanker Key Fighter crew member died, another is in critical condition after they inhaled hydrogen sulfide gas while working inside one of the cargo tanks north of Maloy, Norway

Two tanker crew poisoned by poisonous gas, one died another critical

Sept. 1, 2018 at 15:35 by Mikhail Voytenko

Product tanker KEY FIGHTER requested medical assistance at 0430 LT Sep 1 in position north of Maloy, Norway, while en route from Averoy to Maloy, with cargo of rapeseed oil. Two crew were badly injured by exposing to hydrogen sulfide while working in tank – understood cargo tank. Both lost conscience and were recovered from tank by other crew, both airlifted by helicopter to be transferred to Alesund. One of them died, another is in critical condition. Tanker docked at Maloy at around 0500 UTC.

IMRRA, FleetMon’s official Vessel Risk Rating Partner, risk assessed this tanker as having a ‘amber’ risk rating, with a specific risk rating of 38% (12-OCT-17), compared to the fleet average 34.8%. New risk assessment reports can be purchased via FleetMon.
Red: Poorest performing; Amber: Average value; Green: Good indicator. 


One crew member has died and one was seriously injured after a work accident aboard the 'Key Fighter' off Stadlandet on Sep 1, 2018, at 5.30 a.m. 

A rescue helicopter was on site half an hour later. 

Two unconscious crew members who were in the process of carrying out work in a chemical tank aboard the ship were found. 

Their colleagues had lifted them out of the tank. They were taken with the rescue helicopter to the hospital in Ålesund, where one of them was then declared dead. Both had been exposed to the toxic gas hydrogen sulphide, also known as hydrogen sulphide. 

The ship berthed in Måløy, Sogn og Fjordane County, at 7 a.m. where the police conducted investigations and interrogated the crew. The tanker was released at 6.15 p.m. and left the port bound to Erith, ETA Sep 3.