Monday, August 20, 2018

Homemade firecracker the cause of an explosion inside a home in Parkersburg, West Virginia; one man was injured

UPDATE: Homemade firecracker the cause of an explosion in Parkersburg

By Dennis Bright |

August 18, 2018


At about 12:12 this afternoon Parkersburg Police and Fire Departments responded to a call made by a postal service worker regarding an explosion.

The worker was hit by debris from the explosion but not seriously injured.

First responders were able to respond quickly because of the close proximity of the incident to the Homecoming parade.

There was a man on the scene with injuries to his hands and face and he was transported to a hospital in southern West Virginia.

Neighbors in the area reported hearing a loud noise that seemed to shake their homes. The police department strongly feels as though this incident is in no way related to the Homecoming celebration and that the suspect’s intent was not to harm anyone.

“We did collect some evidence related to this crime. We had it analyzed at a different location close to the scene for any chemical based explosives that were not what a typical person could buy off the store shelf. We are able to confidently say that this is not a terrorist act or a nexus to terrorism. Based off of what we found at the scene and what the components were made from as far as the device, basically it was just a homemade firecracker that had a much more powerful result than what was intended,” explains Joe Martin, Parkersburg Police Chief.

The suspect is a local resident of Parkersburg and has a criminal history here in Wood County. He also has family ties to this area.

The suspect will be arrested after being released from the hospital.

The Parkersburg Fire Department, St. Joseph’s ambulance service, the Department of Homeland Security, West Virginia Fusion Center, West Virginia State Police Special Operations, West Virginia National Guard Civil Support Team, and the FBI all assisted with the incident.

8/18/18 12:45 p.m.

Authorities in Parkersburg are at the scene of a reported explosion at a residence in the 500 block of 17th Street.

Multiple law-enforcement officers, including a bomb technician, are at the scene investigating.

The source of the explosion remains unclear.

It happened about 12:15 p.m. Saturday as many participants in the annual Parkersburg Homecoming parade were already lined up next to Stadium Field just a few blocks away.

People at the scene reported hearing a loud explosion and then seeing a person on the ground in front of a house.

At least one person near the scene said the blast shook their house.

We have a reporter at the scene and will have updates online and during WTAP News @ 6.