Sunday, August 12, 2018

Eight people dead after a PAC 750XL charter plane of Dimonim Air crashed near Oksibil Airport, Papua Indonisia

The plane that crashed, killing 8 people on board.

A PAC 750XL of Dimonim Air is reported missing on a flight between Tanahmerah Airport and Oksibil Airport, Papua, Indonesia. The flight should have a duration of 42 minutes but failed to arrive at Oksibil. 

Search operations are being conducted. Some people in a village reported they heard loud sounds and an explosion. 

There were two pilots and seven passengers aboard. 

The wreckage of the plane was located near Oksibil Airport. Eight occupants died in the crash, a boy was the only survivor.

The aircraft made the first contact with Oksibil Tower at 05.11 UTC, then the ATC communicated to them the weather report . At 05.17 UTC PK-HVQ reported an overhead position at 7,000 feet. After the overhead position, communication between Oksibil Tower officers and the plane was immediately cut off. 

Oksibil Tower officials also were unable to communicate outside the Oksibil area using cellphones due to signal conditions. 


Light plane with 9 people aboard reported missing in Papua
The Associated Press

August 11, 2018 07:32 AM

Updated August 11, 2018 07:33 AM 

JAYAPURA, Indonesia

A light commercial aircraft with nine people on board was reported missing Saturday in a mountainous region of Indonesia's easternmost province of Papua, with officials sending a search party toward a possible crash site.

Dimonin Air's Swiss-made Pilatus PC-6 Porter plane was on an estimated 42-minute flight from Tanah Merah in Boven Digul district to Oksibil, the district capital of Pegunungan Bintang, bordering Papua New Guinea.

Local police chief Lt. Col. Michael Mumbunan said the plane with two pilots and seven passengers aboard lost contact after communicating with the control tower in Oksibil just before it was due to land Saturday afternoon.

He said a search was underway, but it would take rescuers hours to arrive at a suspected crash site where villagers reported they heard loud sounds and an explosion.

Dimonim Air provides charter operations throughout Papua Indonesia with their fleet of fixed and rotary aircraft.


Time:~05:20 UTC
Type:Silhouette image of generic P750 model; specific model in this crash may look slightly different
Pacific Aerospace 750XL
Owner/operator:Dimonim Air
Registration: PK-HVQ
C/n / msn: 144 ?
Fatalities:Fatalities: 8 / Occupants: 9
Other fatalities:0
Aircraft damage: Written off (damaged beyond repair)
Location:near Oksibil Airport, Papua -   Indonesia
Phase: En route
Nature:Domestic Scheduled Passenger
Departure airport:Tanahmerah Airport (TMH/WAKT)
Destination airport:Oksibil