Tuesday, August 7, 2018

At least 3 fishermen dead, 9 missing after crude oil tanker DESH SHAKTI allegedly hit the Oceana fishing boat with 14 fishermen off Kochi, southwest India coast

Suezmax tanker alleged hit and run 3 dead 9 missing

Aug. 7, 2018 at 13:30 by Mikhail Voytenko in Accidents 1393

Crude oil tanker DESH SHAKTI allegedly hit fishing boat with 14 fishermen off Kochi, southwest India coast, at around 0330 LT Aug 7, while en route from Chennai India to Al Basrah Iraq. Boat was severely damaged, at least 3 fishermen confirmed dead, 9 are missing. According to survivors statement, the ship didn’t stop after collision, and continued her sailing. Later tanker was identified by Indian Coast Guard as main suspect. Fishing boat crew were reportedly, “resting” at the time off collision, which took place early in the morning, i.e. they were sleeping. Most probably, tanker didn’t spot the boat because of its’ tiny size and wooden hull, which made boat invisible on radar and hard to spot visually.

IMRRA, FleetMon’s official Vessel Risk Rating Partner, risk assessed this tanker as having a ‘green’ risk rating, with a specific risk rating of 30% (19-MAR-18), compared to the fleet average 34.8%. New risk assessment reports can be purchased via FleetMon.
Red: Poorest performing; Amber: Average value; Green: Good indicator. 


The 'Desh Shakti' allegedly was involved in a hit and run accident with the fishing boat 'Oceana' with 14 fishermen on board off the coast of Munamban near Kochi on Aug 7, 2018, at 03.30 a.m. 

The tanker was en route from Chennai to Al Basrah. The boat when being run over was severely damaged, at least three fishermen from Kolkata and Tamil Nadu were confirmed dead, nine more were missing. 

Two survivors were taken to hospital in Kochi. According to their statements, the ship didn’t stop after collision and continued sailing. Later the tanker was identified by the Indian Coast Guard as main suspect. 

The fishing boat crew was resting at the time of the collision. Most probably, tanker didn’t spot the boat because of its’ tiny size and wooden hull, which made boat invisible on radar and hard to spot visually.