Monday, July 30, 2018

Accident Investigation Report for fire with muster at East Breaks 164 operated by Fieldwood Energy SD Offshore LLC

On 9-May-2018 at 12:20 hours Fieldwood SD Offshore notified Lake Jackson District
orally of a fire with muster that occurred 9-May-2018 at 10:30 hours at EB 165 A, OCS-
G06280, Complex ID: 10297. 
On 9-May-2018 facility Operators were conducting holding checks on SSV’s while the
facility was shut in due to compressor maintenance. A Mechanic came up from the
production deck to the main deck and noticed charred soot on the upper left of
temporary quarters entrance door. He immediately notified the Lead Operator; the alarm
was sounded, muster was initiated, and the diesel generator was shut down, and
personnel manned fire extinguishers and entered quarters to investigate, with no
visible flame detected. Statements and interviews were conducted revealing no one had
been in the quarters since 07:00 that same morning.
On 22-May-2018 the HSE Coordinator, Automation Foreman for Fieldwood Energy; met with the Broussard Fire Chief, Lafayette Fire Investigator and Living Quarters Technology
(LQT) Manager at the LQT yard to conduct investigation into the cause of fire. 
According to the Investigator’s findings, the fire started on the lower bunk mattress
closest to the main door of quarters. I-Pad Mini was on charge in the lower bunk area,
and the receptacle supplying the electrical charge was found to be “clean”. 

The receptacle cover was pulled and all wiring was intact and undamaged. The I-Pad and
electrical receptacle were then eliminated as heat sources common to bunk area.
The reading light bulb, above the mattress was on the mattress (near the fire
source) and the bulb had a crack in it. Fire Investigator stated there was a slight
possibility the bulb broke and the filament leaked out, landed on the mattress and
starting the fire. 

The fire started near the area of the pillow at the head of bed.
The fire extinguished itself, due to lack of oxygen, and the fire did not shunt trip
the breaker (hot gas). All members of the Mechanic group Archrock denied ever smoking
in the sleeper. The Fire Investigator stated the cause of the fire is undetermined and
accidental in origin. The estimated cost of damage is $75,000.00. 

Fire Investigator stated there was a slight possibility the bunk light bulb started
the fire, but cause of the fire is undetermined and accidental in origin.
Fieldwood SD Offshore LLC provides oil and gas exploration and production services. The Company acquires producing properties which it further exploits using seismic and horizontal drilling technology. Fieldwood also provides pipeline transportation, processing, and tieback services to neighboring operators.

At Fieldwood Energy, we are focused on exploration and development of oil and gas assets in the Gulf of Mexico and Gulf Coast regions.

Fieldwood Energy is a portfolio company of Riverstone Holdings focused on acquiring and developing conventional assets, primarily in the Gulf of Mexico region. We are the largest operator in the Gulf of Mexico owning an interest in approximately 500 leases covering over 2 million gross acres with 1,000 wells and 750 employees. Our top priorities are ensuring the safety of our employees and the environment while efficiently developing our valuable energy resources.