Sunday, April 22, 2018

Former Whitman, Mass. police sergeant and VA-fund embezzler Glenn Paul Pearson, 62, is now facing 18 new criminal complaints for insurance fraud

Glenn Paul Pearson, owner of CHC Insurance Agency, currently serving time for tax fraud, is facing at least 19 new insurance fraud complaints in two communities.

BROCKTON, Mass. — A Whitman man currently serving time in federal prison for tax fraud is now accused of running a widespread insurance fraud scam.

Glenn Paul Pearson, 62, is now facing 18 new criminal complaints lodged against him by Brockton police after separate victims have come forward over a two-month period.

The Enterprise first reported the new charges on Feb. 23, a day after Pearson was issued a summons on a charge of fraud by an insurance agent or broker.

Brockton police officer Thomas Robinson applied for an application for criminal complaint on Feb. 22 after a city woman walked into the police station to report insurance fraud. The woman accused Pearson, her insurance agent, and his business, Brockton-based CHC Insurance Agency, of failing to pay her auto insurance since September.

The woman told police she paid $210 to CHC Insurance for five months, but learned her vehicle wasn’t insured when she was in a crash.

The charges kept piling on over the next few weeks as victim after victim told Brockton police they were scammed. One woman made a $500 down-payment, then paid $146 for three months. Another woman paid almost $1,000 up front on her policy for a new vehicle. And a man paid $280 for five months on a premium he considered affordable due to having several points on his license.

But police say none of them actually had valid insurance.

As of Friday, Pearson was facing 18 new complaints, the most recent filed on Wednesday. Four of the complaints were filed by police in February, 10 in March and four so far in April. All the complaints include insurance fraud by an agent or broker and several include larceny over $250.

He is also facing at least one complaint in another community -- Weymouth -- as police charged him with insurance fraud against a town resident.

The first complaint came about a week before Pearson was due to report to federal prison on unrelated charges. Pearson was arrested in August 2016 and charged with wire fraud, misappropriation by a federal fiduciary, making false statements and preparing fraudulent tax returns.

He pleaded guilty last May to the charges and was sentenced in November to serve 48 months in federal prison with three years of supervised release. He was also ordered to pay restitution to the VA in the amount of $252,992 and restitution to the IRS in the amount of $826,865.

The federal conviction was a result of Pearson embezzling more than $250,000 in VA-issued benefit money from the accounts of eight disabled veterans from 2007 to 2012. He also prepared tax returns that included false credits and fictitious deductions in an effort to obtain bigger refunds for his clients than they were entitled to receive. Pearson admitted to causing a total tax loss of more than $1.5 million.

After his attorney won him a two-month reprieve from starting his sentence so he could train someone to take over his insurance business, which moved to 930 Crescent St., in Brockton after his Whitman location was raided by the FBI in 2015, Pearson reported to the Devens Federal Medical Center in Ayer on March 1, according to the online U.S. Bureau of Prisons database.

Pearson, a former Whitman police sergeant of a dozen years, is listed as inmate No. 99722-038 and is set to be released from the Devens prison on Aug. 23, 2021, according to inmate records. That potential release date indicates he could be released before his full four-year sentence in completed.

Pearson will be summonsed to court on the new complaints to face clerk magistrate’s hearings to determine if criminal charges are issued.