Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The potential hazards associated with conducting intersection takeoffs and the need for general aviation pilots to use all the runway available to them for takeoff

WASHINGTON (Oct. 31, 2017) — The National Transportation Safety Board issued Safety Alert 071-17, Tuesday to highlight the potential hazards associated with conducting intersection takeoffs and the need for general aviation pilots to use all the runway available to them for takeoff.

Intersection takeoffs – where only a portion of the runway is used for takeoff instead of using the entire length – are, in general aviation operations, a common practice often associated with a desire to save time. However, pilots may not fully understand the potential risks associated with conducting intersection takeoffs. The NTSB has investigated at least 10 accidents between 2000 and 2015 in which pilots were attempting intersection takeoffs.

By reducing the amount of runway used during takeoff, pilots have less runway available to them in the event of a system or engine malfunction during takeoff, to abort the takeoff or to perform an emergency landing. This increases the risk of injury, death and aircraft damage.

The safety alert emphasizes the need for pilots to:

• Know their airplane’s takeoff and landing performance limitations

• Not feel obligated to accept an intersection takeoff if offered by air traffic control

• Use all available runway length to increase the margin of safety

Safety Alert 071-17 ‘Do Your Takeoff Homework; Runway Length Matters’ is available online at https://go.usa.gov/xn2C2, and an NTSB video on the issue is available via the NTSB YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UFY6ewJGZA&feature=youtu.be.