Saturday, February 18, 2017

South Jersey Gas has begun a large infrastructure project to replace aging gas mains

Large gas main replacement project begun in Stone Harbor

STONE HARBOR, NJ — South Jersey Gas will begin a large infrastructure project early next week to replace aging gas mains, the borough said.

The work is expected to start Monday, weather permitting. South Jersey Gas said this is part of its Accelerated Infrastructure Replacement Program to replace thousands of feet of bare steel mains in an effort to increase safety and reliability.

South Jersey Gas spokeswoman Lauren Hurtt said the project is the first of two phases and is a total of about 32,000 feet of main. She did not disclose the cost of the project.

Plans for the second phase, set to begin in September, are being finalized, she said.

According to project details, plastic natural gas mains will be installed along Berkley Road, Sunset Drive, Corinthian Drive, Sunrise Drive, Weber Court, and from 111th to 98th avenues.

Work will begin 8 a.m. and end at 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, maintaining access for residents and property owners, according to project details.

Gas service may be interrupted for about eight hours, and some homes may need new gas meters, depending on the location, age and condition, according to South Jersey Gas.

Final restorations and paving are anticipated to be completed by June.

In late January, South Jersey Gas filed for a $75 million rate increase with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities .

The utility said the increase is necessary to pay for the infrastructure upgrades.

The company said that, since its last base rate case, it has invested approximately $518 million in system improvements not currently reflected in base rates.