Thursday, January 19, 2017

Edwin Millan, A former police officer in Cleveland, Tenn., found guilty of insurance fraud, tampering with evidence and making a false report

A former police officer in Cleveland, Tenn., is going to state prison for three years for helping a friend commit insurance fraud.

A Bradley County jury in October found Edwin Millan guilty of insurance fraud, tampering with evidence and making a false report, according to court records. Two other counts, official misconduct and conspiracy, were dismissed.

The indictment charged that Millan agreed to help Steven Wayne Crisp report a motorcycle stolen so Crisp could collect the insurance. Judge Andrew Freiberg could have sentenced Millan to up to six years in prison and a $15,000 fine.

Millan faces separate charges related to the torching of his own car for insurance purposes in May 2015.

Newspaper archives show Millan's Chrysler 300 was dumped just over the state line in Murray County, Ga., and set afire. Investigators found a red gas can in the car. Millan reported the $25,000 car stolen, but after an investigation by the Tennessee Highway Patrol, he was suspended and indicted in September 2015.

The arson charges are pending, the Bradley County Criminal Court Clerk's office said Wednesday.

Millan also faces charges of first-degree arson in Murray County. Officials there have said those charges will be handled last, after the Bradley County cases are finished.