Tuesday, November 8, 2016

WHAT THE HAIL: The Insurance Council of Texas has declared last Friday's hail storm in El Paso a "catastrophe" with more than $100 million in losses

NOVEMBER 5, 2016
EL PASO, Texas - The Insurance Council of Texas has declared last Friday's hail storm in El Paso a "catastrophe," Mark Hanna, with the ICT, told ABC-7 Monday.

Hannah said El Pasoans reported more than $100 million in losses and insurers are sending extra adjusters to El Paso.

Saturday, the line at a local State Farm office extended outside into the parking lot Saturday morning, agent Rafael Martinez told ABC-7.

Martinez says he's never seen this many hail claims in El Paso since he started at State Farm five years ago.

State Farm has had a little more than 1,400 hail claims filed state-wide since Friday, with most of the claims being in El Paso, Martinez said.

Meantime, the clean up continues after Friday's severe storm paralyzed the city during rush hour.

ABC-7 caught crews cleaning up rocks and mud in the roadways near UTEP early Monday morning.

El Paso Streetcar Project crews worked over the weekend to put work zone cones back up after wind and rain washed them away.

Streetcar crews also worked over the weekend, to clean up mud and debris that had washed into the work zones.