Wednesday, November 9, 2016

OSHA Investigating Death of ComEd Contractor In Winnebago County


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration confirms it is investigating the death of a contractor who was critically injured while working on a project for ComEd in Winnebago County.

ComEd says the person was employed by Meade. The incident occurred Monday and he was taken to Madison where he was pronounced dead today.

The Dane County Medical Examiner's Office says more information is expected to be released following an autopsy.

A statement from ComEd says they are deeply saddened to learn the worker passed away and the safety of ComEd employees and contractors is its top priority and ComEd is working with Meade to understand what occurred on the jobsite.

ComEd adds the loss is felt by all and their thoughts are with the worker's family and friends during this difficult time.