Friday, October 21, 2016

Construction Worker Dies After Falling Some 50 Feet Into Well at Bel-Air Construction Site

Worker Dies After Falling Some 50 Feet Into Well at Bel-Air Construction Site: LAFD
Posted 3:13 PM, October 21, 2016, by Melissa Pamer, Updated at 06:11pm, October 21, 2016

A laborer who fell 50 feet into a well died at a construction site in Bel-Air Friday, authorities said.

Los Angeles firefighters surround a well that construction worker fell into in Bel-Air on Oct. 21, 2016. (Credit: KTLA)

First responders were called to 908 Bel Air Road at 2:48 p.m., according to Brian Humphrey of the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The 27-year-old worker fell an estimated 50 feet into a sump well, believed to be 4 feet in diameter, Humphrey said.

The man had toppled out of a basket from which he was being lowered and fell into an unknown depth of water, authorities on scene said.

The worker was seen floating face down and motionless, Humphrey said.

Search-and-rescue confined space specialists worked to access him and eventually determined he was beyond medial help. He was declared dead at 5:23 p.m.

The county coroner’s office and Cal/OSHA were expected to respond.

The rescue and recovery effort were taking place at large construction site in an extremely affluent residential neighborhood.

The property owner prohibited news media access to the area, Humphrey said.