Monday, October 17, 2016

Another arson fire causes $2M in damages along the Bakken oil pipeline construction in Jasper County, Iowa; FBI investigates

$2M in suspected arson damage at pipeline site
UPDATED 11:19 AM CDT Oct 17, 2016

REASNOR, Iowa —The FBI has launched an investigation into a series of fires along the Bakken oil pipeline construction in Jasper County. The latest incident was reported late Saturday night near Reasnor.

A backhoe and three bulldozers were damaged by the fire. Jasper County Sheriff’s officials estimated $2,000,000 in damages to the equipment.

According to the Jasper County Sheriff, the preliminary investigation indicates that fires were intentionally set. The equipment was operated by one of the companies contracted by the Dakota Access Pipeline project.

This is the same location that equipment was believed to be intentionally set on fire in August.

The Iowa State Fire Marshall, ATF and FBI are all investigating the case.
Anyone with information regarding these incidents is encouraged to contact the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office.