Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) proposed civil penalties totaling $198,000 and issued a Notice of Probable Violation and Proposed Compliance Order to Colorado Interstate Gas Company, LLC, a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan

Aug 30, 2016

DOT 109-16
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
News Digest

Integrated Pipeline Inspection Results in Notice of Probable Violation and Proposed Civil Penalties for Colorado Interstate Gas Company, LLC. 

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) proposed civil penalties totaling $198,000 and issued a Notice of Probable Violation and Proposed Compliance Order to Colorado Interstate Gas Company, LLC, a subsidiary of Kinder Morgan, after concluding an integrated inspection of three hazardous liquid pipelines transporting propane, butane, and gasoline in Sinclair, Wyoming, Aug. 10-14. 

The NOPV identifies four possible violations of the pipeline safety regulations, including issues related to pipeline integrity management in high consequence areas and a failure to inspect mainline valves at least twice per year as required. 

Review the details of the enforcement case here .

Contact for media: Artealia Gilliard (202) 366-4831.