Friday, August 19, 2016

EPA Fines Pumpco Energy Services Inc. $237K for Hazardous Waste Violations at Five Texas Facilities

EPA Fines
Pumpco Energy Services Inc. $237K for Hazardous Waste Violations at Five Texas Facilities
Contact Information:
Jennah Durant or Joe Hubbard (
214 665-2200

DALLAS – (Aug. 18, 2016) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has settled with an oil and gas equipment company for hazardous waste violations at five Texas facilities. Pumpco Energy Services Inc. will pay a penalty of $237,980 for violating the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) by improperly generating, transporting and disposing of hazardous waste.

“Laws such as RCRA provide the foundation for EPA’s mission of protecting human health and the environment,” said Regional Administrator Ron Curry. “Companies must be held accountable for violating those laws.”

Under RCRA, companies producing hazardous waste are regulated as small- or large-quantity generators. Under Texas law, a generator can be exempt from these regulations if the company produces no more than 100 kilograms of hazardous waste in a month and complies with certain other state regulations. During 2015 investigations, EPA inspectors found Pumpco generated or offered for transport and treatment enough hazardous waste to qualify as a small-quantity—or sometimes large-quantity—generator.

While illegally operating as a small- or large-quantity generator, Pumpco violated RCRA by failing to obtain an EPA identification number, notify EPA or the state of Texas of its hazardous waste activities, keep required records, and improperly storing, handling, or treating diesel fuel or mixed waste diesel fuel. 

These violations occurred at facilities in Cleburne, Jacksboro, Valley View, Barnhart, and Pleasanton, Texas. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, passed by Congress in 1976 gives EPA the authority to control hazardous waste from "cradle-to-grave." RCRA sets national goals for protecting human health and the environment from the potential hazards of waste disposal, conserving energy and natural resources, reducing the amount of waste generated, and ensuring wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner.



Pumpco Energy Services, Inc. is a leading provider of pressure pumping services for the oil and gas industry, focusing on key North American resource plays. The firm enjoys a rich history with loyal, hardworking, and experienced people that provide the leadership necessary to be successful in today's marketplace. 

Founded in 1982, Pumpco continues to focus on long-term customer relationships and a flexibility that allows for new ideas and innovation. This innovation contributes to high levels of performance and helps to develop a strong working relationship with our customer base in an ever changing environment.

Pumpco’s philosophy is simple! It targets a continual focus on service execution and controlled growth with a basin centric approach. The division continues to expand with entry into the Williston Basin in June of 2008 and the Northeastern US in September of 2009. 

The company believes in its people as its greatest asset which clearly differentiates it from other service companies in a very competitive pressure pumping market. In addition, the combination of safety, service, efficiency and value make Pumpco a preferred choice of operators and potential employees when seeking a company that can provide the right service or can provide future employment opportunities.


Pumpco Energy Services, Inc. offers fracturing, acidizing and cementing services in some of North America’s largest resource plays.

Fracturing Services

Fracturing is a process aimed at improving production by using high pressure pumping equipment to fracture a rock formation, thereby increasing flow capacity. Pumpco provides simul-fracs, slickwater fracs, cross-linked fracs and gelled water fracs with its growing high rate fleet of equipment. All rates, pressures and fluid types are offered within this service line in the Fort Worth, Williston and Appalachian Basins in North America.


This method of stimulation uses a variety of acids and additives to enhance production in oil and gas wells. Pumpco pumps variable types of acid systems in a variety of formations and wells, at all rates and pressures.

Miscellaneous Pumping

Because Pumpco has a large inventory of pumping equipment, it is able to provide services in a variety of situations where the pumping of fluids is required. Miscellaneous pumping includes pump downs between stages and/or the pumping of fluids outside the realm of the service lines identified above. Pumpco has the expertise and capabilities to provide all services in a professional and safe manner.