Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Three crewmembers were injured when the pilot vessel St Davids collided with LNG carrier Lijmiliya in UK’s Port of Milford Haven

Pilot Boat Hits LNG Carrier, Three Crew Injured

Image Courtesy: MHPA

Three crewmembers were injured when the pilot vessel St Davids made hard contact with the 155,159 dwt LNG carrier Lijmiliya during a routine transfer of pilot operation in UK’s Port of Milford Haven.

The incident, which occurred in the early hours on July 10, resulted in three of the five Port of Milford Haven crew members who were on board suffering injuries.

The port said that the injuries “were minor in nature but required hospital attention.”

Although the pilot vessel sustained significant damage, there was no pollution resulting from the incident and normal shipping operations have resumed.

The Port of Milford Haven launched an investigation into the exact cause of the incident.

The Q-Max tanker Lijmiliya, managed by Shell Trading and Shipping, departed the Milford Haven Anchorage on July 11.