Monday, July 11, 2016

The city of Wichita Falls has mounted a multi-faceted investigation into the death of one of its workers and the injury of another at a wastewater treatment plant

Investigation into wastewater treatment plant death continues

Lauren Roberts/Times Record News Wichita Falls police block entrances to the River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant Saturday evening. Two city workers from the plant were transported to Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas in critical condition after being exposed to a gas while making routine repairs in the facility's basement. Officials said the gas was never a threat to the public.


By Christopher Collins of the Times Record News

The city of Wichita Falls has mounted a multi-faceted investigation into the death of one of its workers and the injury of another at a wastewater treatment plant, Deputy City Manager Jim Dockery said Monday.

City employee Daniel Arredondo died Sunday from injuries he sustained July 2 at the River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant. It previously was reported that Arredondo was exposed to hydrogen sulfide gas while doing routine maintenance on a pump inside the plant.

He was treated at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas before he died. Another worker exposed to the gas has not been identified and apparently remains hospitalized.

Dockery said a final report on the incident is expected to be finalized this week, but in the meantime a comprehensive investigation has been launched. The probe is led by the city's Risk Management Office, which falls under the purview of the Human Resources Department.

"They're kind of the repository of information to make sure the proper procedures are taken," Dockery said.

As part of the investigation, city employees at the scene — such as police and fire personnel — are interviewed. Employees in other city departments, such as Public Works, may also be contacted.

Along with determining the cause of the incident, investigators may determine whether workers' compensation is applicable in the case.

Hydrogen sulfide is a "colorless, flammable, extremely hazardous gas with a 'rotten egg' smell," according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It occurs naturally in crude oil and natural gas but also can be produced by the bacterial breakdown of human waste, which likely explains its presence at the wastewater treatment plant.

Though the primary method of exposure to the gas is inhalation, it is "highly flammable" if ignited and can travel back to the source of ignition. Contact with liquid hydrogen sulfide can cause frostbite.

OSHA advises that air be tested before an employee works in an area where hydrogen sulfide gas may be present. If the gas is present, the area must be ventilated — if ventilation is not possible, employees must wear "appropriate respiratory protection."

Dockery said he and other city staff "hope and pray the families get through this."  They need more than prayer, bud.