Thursday, July 28, 2016

Freight train derailment report: Speed, mishandling blamed for crash near Colebrook


Photo: TasRail said new concrete sleepers were installed before the crash. (ABC News: Andy Wallace)
Map: Colebrook 7027

A freight train ran off the tracks north of Hobart in 2014 because of driver errors, a new report has found.

Key points:
ATSB finds driver over-compensated on slope into Colebrook
The freight train was travelling twice the prescribed track speed when it derailed
Report warns drivers to be vigilant on undulating ground

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has released its findings into the crash near Colebrook in November 2014, blaming excessive speed and handling errors.

TasRail said the findings vindicated its own investigations and report.

Two locomotives and nine wagons overturned in the derailment, ripping up the track and delaying freight for two days.

The ATSB report found the driver over-compensated on the steep slope into Colebrook after realising the train was going too slow for the track.

When it derailed at the next bend, it was travelling at almost double the prescribed track limit, at 65 kilometres an hour.

The driver had been driving the train overnight and suffered minor injuries in the crash.

It occurred at the site of previous accidents and shortly after new concrete sleepers were installed to prevent more accidents.

In a statement after the findings were handed down, TasRail's Damien White welcomed the report.

"The ATSB findings are consistent with TasRail's own investigation into the incident, which confirmed the derailment that occurred at Colebrook was caused by a train handling error and excessive speed," he said.

"I am satisfied that TasRail's response to the derailment was timely, thorough, and appropriate."

The report found TasRail's driver training and fatigue management safeguards were adequate, and noted it had taken further steps since the accident to prevent a similar one occurring, including an advanced train control system.

The ATSB report said the incident highlighted the need for drivers to be especially vigilant in monitoring trains on undulating ground.

Mr White said the operator had installed new technology.

"The system automatically sends an alarm to alert the train driver where there is a risk that train speed is likely to exceed, or is at limits," he said.