Saturday, June 18, 2016

U.S. EPA News Advisory: Maywood Fire/Fruitland Magnesium Fire Incident Response Update 6/17/16

U.S. EPA News Advisory: Maywood Fire/Fruitland Magnesium Fire Incident Response Update 6/17/16

Contact Information: 
Soledad Calvino (
SAN FRANCISCO – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and its state, and local partners continue the response operations and assessment of hazardous waste in the aftermath of the Fruitland Magnesium Fire Incident in Maywood, Los Angeles County, Calif.

Status of Response

EPA is working alongside the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the Los Angeles County Health Hazardous Materials Division (HHMD) in a Unified Command to assess and cleanup the fire-impacted area.

Current response activities:
  • A total of 12 properties—on the north side of Fruitland Avenue—remain evacuated pending safe occupancy determinations by the LA County health officials. 
  • On June 16, 2016, EPA began conducting indoor air samples inside homes situated on these 12 parcels.
  • Air samples were collected and will be analyzed for metals. Sample results will be provided to health officials for re-occupancy determinations.
  • Ash samples were collected throughout the area, including a parking lot, the facility perimeter and the surface of two residences. These samples were analyzed for metals and hazardous chemicals, and results are pending.
  • An EPA assessment team will enter the facility tonight to evaluate any additional imminent chemical issues.
  • The EPA and its contractors will be conducting additional decontamination of 52nd Street between Maywood Ave. and Everett Ave on June 18, 2016 between 12:00 pm and 8:00 pm.  Please ensure that all cars are off the street at this time.
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