Sunday, June 19, 2016

Caution advised as triple-digit temps expected around Southern California

As temperatures hit dangerous levels this weekend, Southern Californians are being advised to take special precautions to keep themselves and their pets cool. (KABC)

By Amy Powell
Saturday, June 18, 2016 06:50PM
GRIFFITH PARK, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- As temperatures hit dangerous levels this weekend, Southern Californians are being advised to take special precautions to keep themselves and their pets cool.

Some areas of the valleys, Inland Empire and deserts could see temperatures of 105 on Sunday and up to 110 degrees on Monday.

People who are outside are advised to seek out shady spots, bring plenty of water, and wear sunscreen.

At Griffith Park on Saturday, people were enjoying the outdoors, but staying in the shade, protected by trees or tents, as well as hats and visors.

Don't forget that pets are quite vulnerable as well. The SPCA is reminding pet owners to not leave their dogs and other animals in cars, which can quickly become death traps.

For those without air-conditioning, a list of cooling centers is available here.