Friday, August 14, 2015

EPA Statement on Sediment Data Collected in the Animas River from Bakers Bridge to North of Durango: Contamination detected, but it is acceptable unless you eat the sediments

August 14, 2015: 

The EPA sediment samples collected in the Animas River from Bakers Bridge to north of Durango have been validated. EPA has done a review of the data which included a comparison to background to determine if the metal concentrations are consistent with pre-incident levels.

Metal results that exceeded pre-incident levels were subsequently compared to risk-based screening levels. These results indicate that minor exceedances of background concentrations were observed for antimony, lead, silver, thallium.

However, comparison to risk-based screening values found these exceedances to below risk screening levels. The review and interpretation of these data was a collaborative effort that included state and local members of the unified command.

Sample date Aug. 11, 2015.