Thursday, August 27, 2015

1 dead, 3 injured after the research ship Urania heeled in dock in Livorno, Italy

Wednesday, 26 August 2015 12:59

 Written by AdminSailor

The "Urania", having been drydocked in a floating dock at the Azimut-Benetti yard in Livorno since Nov 30, 2014, suddenly heeled to portside and developed a list of 30 degrees on Aug 25, 2015, at 7 p.m. 

Everything unsecured inside the vessel fell or shifted, one worker from Naples, aged 39, was crushed and killed, 11 workers and crew members were trapped inside. 

One man from Gela, aged 45, was in serious condition. Eight crew members were transported to the emergency room, but had not suffered major injuries. 

Nine other seamen who were on board and were not directly involved in the accident were rescued uninjured. The ship suffered a breach and flooding, also the dock structure was damaged. 

The fire rescue was on scene with 16 units, also port pilots, the port authority, the maritime police with the patrol boat "CP 87" and five ambulences stepped in. 

The work was complicated due to the danger of further movements of the listing ship. The basin was barred off with booms.

 It was found out that a support block has given way while mooring operations were carried out at the dock, an investigation was launched by the prosecutor. 

Pending on the outcome the RPU called for a strike on the yard on Aug 26. The ship was in dock for the latest checks, after lengthening work on the hull. 

Italian reports with photos: