Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Shell Reports Oil Spill Following Attempted Wellhead Theft at the Adibawa- Well 8 in — the Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria

by newsadmin2 on

The Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) has confirmed that there is an ongoing oil leak from its Adibawa Well 8 in Edagberi community of Rivers State following attempted theft of a wellhead.

Mr Joseph Obari, a spokesman of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), in a statement made available to newsmen on Sunday confirmed the oil leakage.

According to Obari, the oil leak was caused by a suspected attempt to steal Shell’s Wellhead by vandals.

He said: “SPDC regrets the delay to an investigation of a leak at Adibawa- Well 8 in — the Eastern Niger Delta. 

“A suspected attempt to steal the wellhead led to a spill. SPDC received reports of the incident on July 12 and took containment measures.

“The company took measure to contain it including the construction of dykes, pits and the deployment of booms to prevent further impact on the environment.”

Also a group, the Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth, Nigeria (ERA/FoEN), an environmental pressure group reported the incident. 

Mr Alagoa Morris, the group’s Head of Field Operations, confirmed the incident, saying it started on July 12.

He said: “When we (ERA) heard about a fresh oil spill in the community at about 9. 00 a.m. July 12, 2015, efforts were made to confirm it. After confirmation was received; field monitors of ERA moblised to the site, led by a community leader.

“On getting to the current spill environment; some Shell personnel and some men on military uniform were seen on the tarred road near the facility while the crude oil continued to spew.’’

The statement quoted Mr Sunny Jacob Ubele, the paramount ruler of Edagberi community as saying that the management of Shell had dispatched personnel for evaluation.

“Yes, I am aware there is a fresh oil spill in our environment; Shell came to inform us.

“They were unable to stop it yesterday and they are expected to be back to the site this morning and I hope they will contain the situation.

“ Surely, unless effort is made immediately to stop the spill, recover the spilled crude oil and clean-up; the environment is bound to suffer again,” the statement quoted Ubele as saying.