Monday, July 27, 2015

Long-term effects being investigated after chemical plant fire in Hanover, PA that caused the death of thousands of fish

This dead fish along the Conewago Creek was photographed by an ABC 27 viewer.
This dead fish along the Conewago Creek was photographed by an ABC 27 viewer.


HANOVER, Pa. (AP) – 

Wildlife authorities are trying to determine if there are any long-term effects to a central Pennsylvania creek from runoff contamination from a chemical plant fire last month.

The (Hanover) Evening Sun ( ) reports that the state Fish and Boat Commission was surveying the main stem and south branch of the Conewago Creek last week.

Officials hope to determine if life has returned to normal after the June fire at the Miller Chemical and Fertilizer plant, which killed thousands of fish and prompted closure of the creek to swimming, boating and fishing for almost a month.

Surveyors plan to calculate the number of fish in areas upstream from the plant and use it as a reference for what should be considered normal populations in the creek.