Monday, July 27, 2015

Coast Guard assists fishing vessel taking on water near Valdez, Alaska

A Coast Guard Station Valdez boatcrew responds to a 30-foot fishing vessel taking on water near Valdez, Alaska, June 27, 2015. The fishing vessel Fishing Time had a four-inch crack in the hull that the Station Valdez boatcrew assisted with repairing before escorting the two boaters to Cordova. (U.S. Coast Guard photo)
A Coast Guard Station Valdez boatcrew responds to a 30-foot fishing vessel taking on water near Valdez, Alaska. (U.S. Coast Guard photo)

July 27th, 2015

KODIAK, Alaska — 

A Coast Guard Station Valdez, Alaska, boatcrew responded to a 30-foot fishing vessel taking on water near Valdez, Alaska, Monday.

The boatcrew transferred a dewatering pump and damage control kit to the two boaters and assisted them in controlling the onboard flooding before escorting the vessel to Cordova.

Coast Guard Sector Anchorage watchstanders received a report from the crew aboard the fishing vessel Fishing Time of the vessel taking on water due to a four-inch crack in its hull. Watchstanders launched the Station Valdez 45-foot Response Boat-Medium boatcrew to the scene.

“The capability of our boatcrews to transport dewatering pumps to vessels can often prevent a small problem from turning into a life-or-death situation,” said Petty Officer 1st Class Jason Yonk, a Sector Anchorage watchstander. “It’s always good for a mariner to be proactive and not wait until last minute to notify the Coast Guard.”

Weather on scene was reported as 4-foot seas and 15 mph winds.