Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Citizens have returned nearly $50,000 of the cash that spilled out of a Brinks Armored Truck onto a highway, but a significant amount remains missing


Cash loss 'significant' in Texas armored truck spill: police

Citizens have returned nearly $50,000 of the cash that spilled out of a Brinks Armored Truck onto a highway in April and a significant amount remains missing with the case officially closed, Texas police said on Tuesday.
Motorists snapped up the cash and police in Weatherford, about 60 miles west of Dallas, were not able to identify anyone else who grabbed any of the money, authorities said.

"We are not releasing the total amount that was lost, however we can say there is still a significant amount of money that has not been recovered," Lieutenant Chris Crawford said.

Crawford said no arrests were made and the department does not have any more leads on the missing cash.

Brinks, which could not be reached immediately for comment, told police in April that the cash was in a plastic bag that fell out of the truck from a side passenger door and broke open, spilling money along the roadway.

Video on social media purported to be from the scene showed vehicles stopped along the roadway and people trying to catch paper money as it fluttered in the wind.