Friday, July 17, 2015

BSEE Oil Spill Preparedness Division Conducts Unannounced Exercise in Gulf of Mexico Region

JULY 17, 2015


BSEE led a Government Initiated Unannounced Exercise (GUIE) this past Wednesday, July 15, to test the readiness of Enterprise Field Services, LLC. The exercise evaluated Enterprise's spill management team's effectiveness in responding to a simulated spill event. 

Designed and led BSEE’s Oil Spill Preparedness Division staff, the scenario called for deployment of proper response equipment. BSEE required the operator to deploy a skimmer, vacuum transfer unit, and portable barge from a staging site in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

This exercise provided an opportunity for joint cooperation, partnership, and governmental efficiency between federal and state organizations. U.S. Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Texas General Land Office and Louisiana Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office participated in the drill.
