Friday, July 10, 2015

3 fishing boats burned in Narragansett, Mass. 1 boat sunk, possible arson

Galilee boat burnings
A boom contains oil leaking from the sunken fishing vessel Victoria Elizabeth, one of three boats that burned early Friday. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News


Investigators say it is possible that arson is to blame after three fishing boats burned early Friday morning at the Port of Galilee in Narragansett.

The Victoria Elizabeth caught fire and sank, while the Blue Thunder and the Gator were badly damaged at a separate pier. Lieutenant Joseph Poccia of the Department of Environmental Management Police said the fires occurred separately and were several hundred yards apart.

“One was already burning and the other came in while firemen were actually here,” said Poccia.

“Point [Judith] has had fires in the past to boats and it’s a rough and tumble atmosphere down here and some days it can be mechanical but other times it could be suspicious,” Lt. Poccia said.

Along with the DEM, a number of local, state and federal agencies are involved in the investigation, including Narragansett Police and Fire Departments, the DEM and State Fire Marshal, U.S. Coast Guard and agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Environmental engineers are onsite monitoring the sunken Victoria Elizabeth as the boat is leaking fuel into the water.

The two other boats were at a separate dock, but next to each other. The Blue Thunder and Gator burned and were heavily damaged. The Blue Thunder was towed to a nearby marina while the Gator remained tied to the dock.
So far, authorities say they have no suspects in the boat burnings.

Remains of the fishing vessel Gator, one of three boats that burned at the Port of Galilee in Narragansett. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News
Remains of the fishing vessel Gator, one of three boats that burned at the Port of Galilee in Narragansett. Photo by Steve Klamkin WPRO News
The U.S. Coast Guard issued this photo of the boats ablaze at dockside in Galilee.
The U.S. Coast Guard issued this photo of the boats ablaze at dockside in Galilee.