Monday, July 27, 2015

1 woman seriously injured after massive tree falls on bedroom while asleep in Great Neck, New York

Kala Rama reports from Great Neck on a close call for a homeowner
A 20-year-old Long Island woman is recovering in the hospital after the surprise of her life.

A massive tree weighing about 5,000 pounds crashed into her bedroom around 12:30 a.m. Monday in Great Neck, trapping for hours.

The tree looks like it's from the backyard, and it toppled onto the back of the house while the woman was sleeping.

The thick limbs pinned her down, though the fire chief says the cushion of the bed made things a little better. But an inch either way could have been the difference between life and death for the victim.

Firefighters say the tree took down power lines and created a gaping hole through the roof, and they had to turn off the power and stabilize the victim before cutting her free.

The whole ordeal took about two hours.

Throughout the incident, someone was talking to the woman and making sure she was alert. She was taken to an area hospital, where she is listed in serious but stable condition.

Storms were rolling through the area at the time, and authorities say it's another reminder to check for rotting wood on big trees surrounding the house.