Thursday, June 11, 2015

International Space Station astronauts safely return to Earth using a Russian Soyuz Spacecraft

The Soyuz spacecraft carrying NASA astronaut Terry Virts, European astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti and Russian cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov is seen just a few seconds from landing in the steppe of Kazakhstan.
The Soyuz spacecraft carrying Terry Virts, Samantha Cristoforetti and Anton Shkaplerov is seen just a few seconds from landing in the steppe of Kazakhstan. (NASA TV)
A three-person crew from the International Space Station has landed safely in Kazakhstan after a longer than expected orbital stint.

NASA's Terry Virts, Samantha Cristoforetti of the European Space Agency and Russia's Anton Shkaplerov returned to Earth after 199 days on the station, nearly a month more than planned.

Their Soyuz capsule landed on schedule Thursday about 145 kilometers (90 miles) southeast of Dzhezkazgan.

The mission's extension was caused by the failed launch of a Russian cargo ship in April.

The Soyuz rocket that failed in April is used to launch spacecraft carrying crews, so Russian space officials delayed the crew's return and further launches pending an investigation.

A Soyuz rocket successfully launched a satellite last week, and a new crew is set to head to the station in July.