Monday, May 25, 2015

Coast Guard rescues recreational boater near Sandy Hook, New Jersey

25-Foot Defender Class Boat (RB-S and RB-S II) 

NEW YORK – The Coast Guard rescued a recreational boater in distress near Sandy Hook, New Jersey, Sunday.

At approximately 11:37 p.m., watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector New York command center in Staten Island, New York, received a report that a two-person recreational craft with one person aboard had not returned to Ideal Beach in Middletown, New Jersey.

Coast Guard Station Sandy Hook launched a rescue boatcrew and Sector New York issued an Urgent Marine Information Broadcast.

The rescue boatcrew arrived on scene at approximately 12:23 a.m., and found the operator of the craft, a 32 year-old male, was conscious and responsive but exhibited signs of dehydration and hypothermia.

The boatcrew transported the boater to Belford Harbor, New Jersey, where emergency medical services were waiting to transfer him to Riverview Medical Center in Red Hook, New Jersey.

Each year, Coast Guard crews in the Northeast conduct 2,500 search and rescue cases and save 350 lives. With more than 2,000 miles of shoreline to guard, First Coast Guard District crews remind boaters to wear their lifejackets and be prepared with all required safety gear. For more information, visit