Monday, May 11, 2015

BRAVO, NEW YORK: NY Governor Orders Emergency Protections for Nail Salon Workers

Governor Andrew Cuomo has ordered emergency measures to protect nail salon workers from wage theft and exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals.

Strict new rules are taking effect immediately that are designed to protect manicurists from chemicals used in nail salons.

Health advocates have linked those chemicals to breathing problems, skin disorders, and miscarriages.

The governor is also launching a new task force that will conduct case-by-case investigations into nail salons across the state.

This comes after the New York Times published an investigation into poor pay and conditions at nail salons. 

The task force will also conduct a multilingual campaign to educate workers on their rights.

Unlicensed salons, or those who defy orders to repay back wages, would be shut down.

In a statement, the governor said, "New York State has a long history of confronting wage theft and unfair labor practices head on. We will not stand idly by as workers are deprived of their hard-earned wages and robbed of their most basic rights."