Friday, April 10, 2015


APRIL 9, 2015


Subway service has been restored following a water main break in Greenwich Village Wednesday night.
Service on the 1 and 2 lines was back running by 5 a.m.

At 175 W. 13th Street around 7 p.m., water flooded streets and subway tunnels.
Water has been restored to one Greenwich Village neighborhood after a water main break that flooded the area, including nearby subway lines.
Officials report that water is being restored to those who spent the night without.

"You wake up in the middle of the night and you completely forget that you can't flush your toilet or wash your hands," said area resident Louie Lapore.

His apartment building and a number of businesses had the water shut off around 8 p.m. after the 12-inch main broke Wednesday night under 175 W. 13th St. on Seventh Avenue about an hour earlier.

The pipe was repaired and water restored to 25 buildings, about 875 apartments, by 8 a.m.

In the nearby 14th Street subway station, water cascaded onto the tracks bringing the 1, 2 and 3 lines to a halt for most of the night. The water at one point, riders say, was up to the platform.

"I came up through the subway last night (and) it was like torrential, like a waterfall down there so there was no doubt they were going to turn this off," said Tim Wilks, an area resident.

About 500 people had to be removed from a subway train underground, but service on the lines was running again by 5 a.m. Thursday.

Early in the morning, workers began digging a large hole around the site of the break and eventually pulled three large pieces of pipe that had cracked open.

There's no word on what might have caused the break. Con Ed was there at the time of the break, but the cause is unknown

While it was being repaired residents had to find other ways of getting ready for work.

"I went to the gym for the shower," said Ed Adishr, area resident. "My wife is going to do the same thing. She's packing up to head to the gym to shower."

The DEP continues to repave two of the three lanes of Second Avenue. West 13th Street has been reopened to traffic. Crews plan to finish up roadway restoration Thursday.