Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Pennsylvania DEP Enhances Advisory Role in Conventional Oil and Gas Regulation Development. New Conventional Oil and Gas Advisory Committee created

February 17, 2015

HARRISBURG -- The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today announced a newly formed Conventional Oil and Gas Advisory Committee (COGAC) to increase transparency and communication about regulating the conventional oil and gas drilling industry.

“Creating this advisory committee will increase dialogue between DEP and the regulated community as well as broaden the interests we hear from,” Acting DEP Secretary John Quigley said. “Improving communication between all stake holders and our department will foster stronger environmental safeguards in the future.”

COGAC will advise DEP on matters related to conventional oil and gas extraction practices and regulations and will be structured similarly to DEP’s existing Oil and Gas Technical Advisory Board.

Nominations are being accepted for COGAC. Persons interested in nominating a committee member should send their full name, title, affiliation, address, e-mail, and telephone number and their nominee’s resume to Todd Wallace of the Office of Oil at Gas Management at: Rachel Carson State Office Building, P.O. Box 2063, Harrisburg, PA 17105-2063 or twallace@pa.gov. Nominations will be accepted through March 3.

For more information, please visit, www.dep.state.pa.us, keyword: advisory committee.