Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jaws of Life Remove Man From Truck Following Collision between a Plow Truck and a Pickup Truck in Garland, Maine

Jaws of Life Remove Man From Truck Following Collision between a Plow Truck and a Pickup Truck in Garland, Maine

GARLAND, MAINE - The jaws of life were needed to remove a man from a pickup truck following a collision in Garland, Maine this morning.

Officials say a truck was plowing a driveway when it backed up and hit a Ford Ranger traveling on the Oliver Hill Road just after 11:30.

James Green, 27, and his passenger Jerome Green, 59, were hit on the right side of the vehicle.

Crews had to pull the car apart in order to get Jerome out of the truck.

Officials say the operator of the truck, Ethan Santos, 24, didn't see the vehicle traveling down the road.

No one was injured from the accident.