Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hiawatha, Iowa man pleads guilty in meth mobile home fire when a container tipped over during cooking

Hiawatha, Iowa man pleads guilty in meth mobile home fire when a container was tipped over during cooking

January 28, 2015

A Hiawatha man could spend 20 years in federal prison after admitting he was cooking meth that started a fire, damaging several homes.

In a plea agreement, 28-year-old Michael Lala admits he was making meth on November 13, 2013 when a container he was using tipped over.  The mobile home where the fire started and five neighboring homes were damaged.  Two other people were in the mobile home with Lala.  Three of other damaged homes also had people inside.

Lala will be sentenced at a later date.  He faces a possible maximum sentence of 20 years in federal prison, a $1,000,000 fine, $100 in special assessments, and up to a lifetime of supervised release following any imprisonment.