Friday, January 30, 2015

Emergency services on alert as North Sea helicopter comes in to land

Emergency services on alert as North Sea helicopter comes in to land

Published in Oil Industry News on Friday, 30 January 2015

Graphic for Emergency services on alert as North Sea helicopter comes in to land in Oil and Gas NewsEMERGENCY crews have been called to Aberdeen International Airport after a warning light came on in a helicopter an Aberdeen news paper has reported
Three fire engines and police were called to the runway at around 9.30am.
The CHC Super Puma EC 225 helicopter is now undergoing an inspection to reveal the cause of the warning light.
A CHC spokeswoman said: “The crew followed procedures and requested a priority landing at Aberdeen International Airport.
“As with all aircraft, the helicopter will go through rigorous checks before returning to service.”
A Police Scotland spokesman confirmed they were called to the scene.
He said: “Emergency procedures were activated as is standard and the helicopter landed safely.”
A Scottish Fire and Rescue service spokeswoman said: “We just stood by to assist with the landing of the helicopter.”
Source: Evening Express