Monday, December 1, 2014


FATAL ALERT - A rig hand was fatally injured while rigging up to service a well
A rig hand was fatally injured while rigging up to service a well. As the rig operator was lifting the mast, it came into contact with a 14/4 outside phase wire on an over head power distribution line, energizing the rig and sand line which the rig hand was holding. No spotter was used while the mast was being raised within 10 feet of the overhead power lines. The company had previously rigged up on this well site. The rig operator immediately called for emergency assistance and CPR was administered to the injured rig hand. Emergency responders and Life Flight were dispatched to the accident scene. The rig hand expired at the accident site.

Root Cause and Significant Contributing Factors
·         The rig truck was not positioned properly; rig was set up under the overhead power lines.
·         Employee(s) did not recognize the hazard of the overhead power lines.
·         Hazard recognition and avoidance training was lacking.
·         A spotter was not used to raise the mast near overhead power lines.
·         Sign(s) were not displayed to warn of the overhead power lines.

·         Brief all employees on the facts and circumstances of this fatal mishap.
·         Train employees on Wyoming Rules & Regulations associated with rigging up procedures.
·         Develop SOP’s or JSA’s prior to performing work tasks and ensure all employees on site have been briefed/understand the work going to be performed.
·         Ensure rig is not located at or near overhead power lines when rigging up.
·         Always use a spotter when working near overhead power lines.
·         Ensure all employees are trained to recognize the hazards applicable to their job/task.
·         Employees on-site should be given the authority to stop a procedure or task that is unsafe.
·         Management should conduct routine audits periodically to ensure job safety.
·         Ensure all employees are trained first aid/CPR, emergency procedures are set in place for location where work is being performed, and all required first-aid items are on-site.